
Robyn’s record on the environment includes:

  • Stewarding Illinois wildlife and pollinators by sponsoring the “Bee Bill,” that protects our local bee population and our ecosystem by limiting commercial spraying for mosquitos during times when pollinators are most active
  • Protecting our waterways and drinking water
    • Mandating that owners/operators of any community water supply in Illinois replace all lead service lines and providing financial assistance to eligible communities;
    • Establishing the Illinois Drug Take-Back Programing with funding from pharmaceutical companies to decrease the presence of medications in our water supply
  • Fighting Air Pollution
    • Banning the incineration of “forever chemicals,” aka PFAs, a practice that disproportionately impacts minority communities in Illinois
    • Increasing the number of air emissions testing stations
  • Promoting Environmental Justice by creating an Equity Commission within the Department of Agriculture to identify inequities in outreach and distribution of funds to Black, Brown and low-income communities
  • Decreasing waste in our landfills and protecting the beauty of our parks by creating a state procurement preference for compostable or recyclable foodware and bans single use plasticware at IDNR state parks and natural areas
  • Increasing access to healthy, locally-sourced foods
    • Incentivizing local businesses, i.e., corner stores and farmers markets, to sell locally-produced, healthy foods
    • Giving schools more flexibility to procure healthy, locally-sourced food options
    • Capping the amount that health departments can charge farmers market vendors