Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
The Pritzker Administration, in partnership with the Illinois’ DCEO, is helping Illinois families access and afford home energy assistance and other essential services during COVID-19.
Illinois Department of Public Health
The Illinois Department of Public Health is an advocate for and partner with the people of Illinois to re-envision health policy and promote health equity, prevent and protect against disease and injury, and prepare for health emergencies.
Illinois Department of Employment Security

Illinois Department of Human Services

Illinois Department of Human Services can help you and your family meet your basic needs. The agency offers a range of services to help you become healthy and self-sufficent.
Housing Authority of Cook County

Housing Authority of Cook County’s mission is to promote affordable housing, economic opportunity, and a suitable living environment free from discrimination throughout suburban Cook County.
Cook County Clerk’s Office

The Cook County Clerk’s office is the chief election authority for more than 120 towns and villages in suburban Cook County.